How to Turn Your Weightlifting Hobby Into a Profession


Turn weightlifting into a profession

Weightlifting is generally broken down into various categories - bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and general health and fitness pursuits. And while each varies in philosophy and execution, weightlifters in general share one common trait - they love workouts and time spent in the gym.

In many cases, if not most, successful weightlifting also involves weightlifters getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and using various vitamins and supplements to keep them healthy and maximize the results of their weightlifting.

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Sound familiar?

So tell me, does it make sense to put in all that effort, to craft a healthy mind, body and lifestyle, just to then spend 40 hours a week in a job you hate? Or even in a job that's OK, but still brings stress into your life on a daily or weekly basis? We all know stress can be bad for the body and the mind, so why go through it to your detriment in order to make someone else wealthier? Sounds kind of counter-productive to all your healthy weightlifting lifestyle, doesn't it?

What if there was a viable alternative?

Fortunately, there is! If you've been weightlifting for a while successfully, you've no doubt noticed beneficial changes in your strength, energy, body shape and general attitude. And those around you, in the gym and out, have likely also been noticing and commenting. People are starting to ask how you lost weight, tightened up your midsection, built more muscle or have the time and energy to maintain your fit lifestyle, aren't they? And therein lies the answer to the work/lifestyle conundrum...

Millions of people around the world go to the gym regularly but aren't getting the same results you are. They may not have the knowledge of proper weightlifting procedures, they may not know which exercises are best to meet their goals, or they may not even have set specific goals yet, leaving them unable to gauge what works and what is wasting their time.

And for every one of them, there are 5 - 10 people outside the gym who want a healthy lifestyle, who want to lose weight, who want to be stronger or just generally want to improve their body before venturing out to the beach in their newest bikini or swim trunks. Many of them are intimidated by the idea of going to a gym and want to train at home, but they have no idea how to start. Others aren't intimidated, but they aren't overly motivated - yet.

Easy to see how YOUR weightlifting, diet and lifestyle knowledge and experience can help them, isn't it? Fortunately, you can start building your personal training business part-time, investing as much or as little time each week as you have available, at any point through the day or night that you choose to work on it. And unlike a lot of other home-based businesses, you have a great deal of control over how fast your business grows.

Start by doing some quick research online to see which certification best suits the style of weightlifting you want to coach. You might want to start with training to become a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), a Certified Fitness Instructor (CFI) or even a nutrition coach. Over time you may want to get all three along with other, more specific certifications, but for now choose the one that's most directly related to the type of weightlifting you yourself love participating in. You're more like to stay motivated and complete the certification if you love the subject, and you'll also be learning new information to help your own weightlifting results.

While you're working toward your first certification, set up and start posting to your own health and fitness social media accounts. These will be your 'store-front windows' to the weightlifters and wannabes, so don't skimp - at a minimum set up profiles at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you're already a member or know of other social media sites you'd like to use, so much the better.

From this point on, make sure you're in compliance with any local laws and bylaws regarding home-based businesses, and speak to your insurance professional as to whether you need liability insurance when dispensing exercise instruction, especially with the potential hazards for people new to weightlifting whether they are training at the gym or training at home.

While it's not necessary to have your weightlifting certifications to start training people, it certainly adds to your credibility when getting started, at least until you have some success stories from your initial weightlifting clients. But you can still do a lot to launch your business while you're still working toward those certifications.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Natural formula to lose weight in 2022

Are you going to set up a private training area in your garage, basement or spare room? Or are you looking to train people virtually, providing them with the necessary guidance through video chats and pre-prepared workout routines tailored to their goals? Either way, let the word out that you're looking for a couple of weightlifting friends or acquaintances who are looking to get started or get better results, and that you're willing to train them for free or a reduced fee in order to be able to use them as examples of your training prowess.

And from there you're on your way to your own home-based business, turning your weightlifting hobby into your profession. As you garner more certifications, more clients, and a bigger social media following in the weightlifting and fitness industry, you'll find your knowledge, results, reputation and income can all increase regularly in line with the time and effort you invest in your new home-based business.

At some point you'll be able to decide to keep it part-time or go full-time with your weightlifting coaching - and whether to continue to do it as a home-based business, set up your own personal training gym or make arrangements with a local gym to take your business there. In any event, you'll have the joy and satisfaction of knowing you turned your passion for weightlifting from your hobby into your profession, letting you operate on your own terms at your own schedule in a home-based business in a field you're already truly passionate about - weightlifting!

๐Ÿ‘‰ Natural formula to lose weight in 2022

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